Well Woman Care Specialist

North Naples Gynecology and Obstetrics
Dean B. Hildahl, MD
OB-GYN located in Naples, FL
Having an annual physical exam is a part of maintaining female health. At North Naples Gynecology and Obstetrics, Dr. Hildahl, a Mayo Clinic trained physician, offers well woman exams to assist patients throughout Naples, FL with monitoring their reproductive health.
Well Woman Care Q & A
What happens at a well-woman exam?
An annual health exam conducted by the gynecologist will typically include a (n):
- Overall physical health exam, including measuring height, weight, and blood pressure
- Update of medical history as well as work and lifestyle activities
- Review of past conditions and treatments used
- Update to supplements and medications being taken
- Update of required immunizations
- Pap smear and/or pelvic exam, which will be used to test for any abnormalities in the reproductive system
- Breast exam to identify areas of concern in the breast tissue which could indicate cancer
- Assessment of necessary screening tests, such as a mammogram, screening for elevated cholesterol, diabetes, and thyroid disorders
- Bone density screening for osteoporosis
At a well-woman exam, patients will also have the opportunity to discuss health concerns and inquire about birth control if desired.
What happens if the gynecologist found an issue?
Some conditions and diseases are only discovered after a pap smear. If this is the case, the gynecologist can recommend an array of treatments and options. More intensive treatments will start that same day and treatments could be an ongoing process. However, this is not always the case; treatment could be as simple as a prescription. If the results are returned as abnormal, the gynecologist will go over them thoroughly and discuss any treatment required. It is important to remember that abnormal results do not always indicate a serious issue, so patients should not overly worry.
What are oral contraceptives?
Oral contraceptives, or birth control pills, are employed to stop a pregnancy from occurring. Progestin and estrogen, hormones produced by the body, are the active ingredients in the pills. These hormones prevent ovulation and change the uterine lining, called the endometrium, and also modify the mucus at the cervix to block the entry of sperm. Birth control pills can also be utilized to assist patients who are dealing with abnormal or painful menstrual periods, a condition referred to as dysmenorrhea, and to address acne.
What is an IUD?
An intrauterine device (IUD) is a soft, plastic tool inserted -into the uterus -to prevent pregnancy. Customarily, IUDs work by either dispensing a small amount of progestin levonorgestrel into the bloodstream or a copper coil surrounds the stem, which acts as a natural spermicide.
Insurance Information
We accept all major health insurance plans. If you don't see your insurance, please contact our office. **Medicaid acceptance applies to our OB patients**